ログインが可能なのは、Wiki管理者がWikiのアクセスコントロールを有効にしているときなのに注意してください。 もし、アクセスコントロールが有効でなければ、ログインはできません。
登録ユーザーは右下の““ログイン”“ボタンを使って、ログインすることができます。 正しく認証されると、ボタンは”ログアウト”に変わります。
If you choose to select the “Remember Me” checkbox, you will be automatically logged in the next time you revisit the Wiki. Don't do this on a shared computer eg. at work or in a Internet cafe.
If you have forgotten your password, you can click the resend password link to have a new password sent to your registered email address. If you can't recall your user name, or your email address has changed, you will need to register again. Note: the resendpasswd option is disabled by default.
To be able to log in, your Browser needs to support Cookies.
Logging out is just a matter of pressing the “Logout” button.
If the wiki admin chose to enable the openregister option (on by default), people can register themselves at the wiki. To do so just click on the “Login” button and follow the “Register” link below to the login form.
Enter your Userdata and hit register, depending on how the wiki is configured you will either get an autogenerated password by mail (default) or you are allowed to supply your own password in the register form.
If openregister is disabled only the administrator(s) can add users. They can find an “Add new user” link in the “Admin” screen.
You can update your registration information at any time. Simply login and click the “Update Profile” button, normally found towards the right on the bottom button bar.
Access Control
Please see アクセスコントロール for details on controlling user and usergroup access to 名前空間 and ページ名.
Login as first page
How do I configure docuwiki to bring up the login page instead of the first page (which is restricted)?